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Blog Rewrite

This post details the motivations, changes, and more behind my decision to rewrite my blog… again! Listing both caveats and benefits from those changes!

Why the rewrite?

My website has its own "middleware" of sorts. This middleware allows me to interject dynamic HTML into files, highlight special keywords, minify pages and more. These kinds of features would be especially useful on this blog! The issue is, having the changes stay consistent between the blog and the site would either require some very unnessacarily grueling work, funky packages, or combining the 2, which isn't really an option because then the Stable and Beta sites would no longer be consistent with eachother.

What's the solution?

Instead of having be a full package, now it's just a backend! If you try to visit it right now in your browser, it will just redirect you back here. But, there is actually a websocket hosted there!

What are the benefits?

I get all the features of minification, highlighting, dynamic pages, and more that I typically would on the main site, on the blog! This will allow my blogs to be much more expansive and (atleast to me) easier to read.

What are the caveats?

The system itself is… unfinished, to say the least. So I'm gonna split it into some more sections.

1. (Lack thereof) Optimization

As it stands, the blog websocket does not just send the pages you need. It sends all of them at once, I know, a very lazy solution. This is because I didn't want users to have to wait for a result from the websocket to get their page, as responsiveness is very important to me. This is something that is planned to be fixed in due time, and I will change this blog page once it is. This practice works fine for now, considering it doesn't send the data that often, and isnt that big of a deal.

2. No pregeneration

Currently the blog does not support pregeneration. This is whatever for the most part, it just means the blog loads a little slower, and some features are not functional. This is, also something that I plan to change soon enough and will update this blog post whenever!!

Are these fixable?

Duh! Im just lazy!!! And finding solutions takes time, sometimes. As mentioned I'll update this blog as nessacary to fix these issues…

Thanks for reading my nonsensical tangent, buh bye :>